Digital scientific and practical periodical Russian Journal of Environmental and Rehabilitation Medicine (RJERM, Российский журнал экологической и восстановительной медицины) publishes articles based on the results of Sanitary and epidemiological, hygienic, clinical and experimental research in the field of hygiene and environmental medicine, medical rehabilitation and health resort treatment, in the direction of developing new technologies of regenerative medicine and organizational and methodological approaches to improve the health, quality and duration of active life of the population, including those living and working in unfavorable environmental conditions, in particular the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the Far North and areas equivalent to them. RJERM publishes articles in frame of the next specialties: 1.5.15. Ecology, 3.1.33. Restorative medicine, sports medicine, therapeutic physical training, balneology and physiotherapy, 3.2.1. Hygiene, 3.2.3. Public health, organization and sociology of public health. The journal publishes articles in Russian and English languages.
The recommended length of a manuscript varies depending on the rubric:
– Scientific reviews
The recommended volume is up to 45 000 characters.
– Original articles
Recommended volume up to 25 000 characters.
– Short communications
Recommended volume up to 7 000 characters.
– Discussions and letters to the editor
Recommended volume up to 4 500 characters.
– Chronicle of scientific life
Recommended volume up to 4 500 characters.
In the case of the use of personal data, the articles must contain information about the informed consent of the patients and the conclusions of the ethics committees. When describing the diagnostic and therapeutic equipment used in the study, reference to the relevant approvals for the use of medical devices (registration certificates, name of the company and country – manufacturer of the products). When describing the methods and results of the study, it is recommended to comply with the requirements of the consolidated standards for clinical trial reports (CONSORT 2010. Explanation and Elaboration: updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomized trials. BMJ. 2010;340:c869-c869).
The manuscript should be submitted in *doc/*docx format, Times New Roman 12 font, single line spacing. The Universal Decimal Classifier index should be placed in the upper left corner of the manuscript.
The manuscript is considered to be accepted by the editorial board after the confirmation letter is received.
The manuscript sent to the editor should contain the following information:
– the title of the manuscript in two languages, not exceeding 110 characters in length, typed in capital letters in bold, center-aligned;
– surnames and official addresses of the authors (in two languages), indicating the author of the correspondence;
– a brief (100-150 words), but informative and structured abstract in two languages;
– keywords (no more than 8) in two languages;
– an extended (200-250 words) abstract of the manuscript in English;
– main text of the manuscript with necessary illustrations;
– a list of references in a standard form (with references to the languages of sources, Russian-language works should be duplicated in translation).
The cover letter should indicate the title of the article and the intended rubric of the journal, first and last names and of all authors, their scientific degrees and titles, affiliation, e-mail addresses, and contact telephone numbers.
The information presented in English must be of high quality, using current scientific vocabulary.
The material of original articles should be divided into sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (the last two can be combined into one – Results and Discussion), Conclusions. Units of measurement should be given according to the SI system.
When writing an abstract, the subject, topic, purpose of the work are indicated if they are not clear from the title of the article. It is advisable to describe the method or methodology of the work if they are original or are of interest from the point of view of this work. The results of the work described very accurately and informative. The main theoretical and experimental results, factual data, discovered relationships and patterns are presented. At the same time, preference is given to new results and long-term data, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data that in the author’s opinion are of practical importance. The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the abstract. Unnecessary introductory phrases should be avoided (e.g., “the article discusses…”). Avoid unnecessary introductory phrases (for example, “the article deals with …”). Historical references, if they do not constitute the main content of the document, descriptions of previously published works and well-known provisions are not given in the abstract. Terminology and syntactic constructions characteristic of the language of scientific and technical documents should be used in the text of the abstract, and complex grammatical constructions should be avoided.
The article should be written accurately, clearly, without a long introduction and repetitions, carefully verified by the author. The text should not duplicate data presented in tables and graphs, only their comments are allowed. Clinical and diagnostic terms should be unified with regard to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10).
The text of the article should be checked by the authors for possible spelling and syntactical errors, and stylistic errors. A large number of stylistic errors and typos are reason to return the article to the authors for revision. The formatting should not use a hyphenation sign. The article should not contain references to tags within the document, any interactive elements, and macros.
Illustrative material should be provided with comprehensive titles and captions that allow understanding the content of the illustration without searching for explanations in the text. Illustrations are named in Russian texts as “figures” and are numbered in Arabic numerals according to the order of their mentioning in the text. Figures, combined into tables, are named with capital letters of the alphabet: each figure must have its own letter designation.
All abbreviations used in the text, tables and illustrations must be deciphered at their first mention, or must have a legend key in which they are deciphered in alphabetical order. The exceptions are the most common abbreviations such as RAS, ECG, USI, SOE, etc.
All works referred to in the text of the article should be included in the list of references, and each work cited in the list should be cited in the text of the article. References in the text of the article are given in square brackets with numbers according to the list of references. The references are numbered sequentially in the order in which they are cited in the text; the numbering is automatic. References to short communications and abstracts are not allowed.
Original articles should mainly refer to the articles published during the last 2 – 5 years. In reviews, it is welcomed to cite the maximum number of publications published in highly rated Russian and foreign scientific journals on the subject of the article, regardless of the year of their publication. It is allowed to quote not less than 30 and not more than 100 sources in the original articles, not less than 60 and not more than 200 in the reviews of literature, and not more than 50 in lectures and other materials. In bibliographic references it is necessary to indicate the surnames and initials of all authors without the previously accepted abbreviations of the list of authors such as et al., with co-authors and the accepted abbreviations of the names of journals.
If available, the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) should always be included. Authors are encouraged to provide a link to their digital profile in ORCID.
When reviewing articles, the editorial board pays attention to the fact whether the article considers the materials of similar publications published in the previous 5 years in RJERM, “Problems of Balneology, Physiotherapy and Exercise Therapy”, “Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine”, “Resort Medicine”, “Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation”, “Physiotherapist”, as well as other specialized journals. The abstracts of all articles can be found on the websites of these journals. The editorial board reserves the right to send the received articles for revision in case their text does not take into account similar publications from the above-mentioned journals.
The general order of the bibliographic description of the source: 1) author(s) of the book or article; 2) if editors are the authors of books, after the surname should be put (ed.); 3) title of the book (article); 4) output data; 5) DOI if available.
The output data of the book are given in the following order: city (where published); after a colon the name of the publishing house; after a semicolon the year of publication. If the reference is to a book chapter: author(s); title of the chapter; after the point put “In:” and surname(s) of the author(s) or editor(s), then book title and output data,…
The output data of the article from the journal: journal name; year; journal number (for foreign journals volume, in parentheses journal number), after a colon the numbers of the first and last pages,…
Russian-language works in the reference list should be duplicated in translation, indicating the original language in parentheses at the end of the entry. The teams of authors of cited works are listed fully, the names of the papers are translated. References to the volume, number, and pages are given in letterless form.
Before sending the manuscript, it is recommended to check it by yourself through the antiplagiarism system. The author fully assumes the responsibility for the possible plagiarism of the text, figures, etc. The editorial board of the journal may check the material using the antiplagiarism system when reviewing the article. In case of detection of numerous borrowings the editorial board acts according to the COPE rules.
The author is responsible for complying with national and local laws when designing research involving humans and animals (e.g., World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, NIH policy on animal research; EU directive on animal research. The author must obtain publication permission from the person(s) who took part in the research and must keep confidentiality.
The authors may express their gratitude to the individuals and organizations that contributed to the article.
It is necessary to indicate the source of funding for the research, review or lecture (name of the planned research work under the Government Order, grant number and the name of the foundation, commercial or governmental organization, etc.). The amount of funding is not required.
The presence or absence of a potential conflict of interest (e.g., competing interests that the author believes may have a direct or indirect effect on the publication process) must be declared (see ICJME recommendations).
Articles with a design that does not satisfy the above requirements are not considered by the editorial board. Strict following the above requirements will reduce the intensity of interference of the editorial board in the author’s original and will shorten the period of publication of the material. The editorial board reserves the right to make literary edits, including changing the title and reducing the volume of articles agreed upon with the authors, moving them to other rubrics. Only the authors are responsible for the accuracy of the submitted materials and the observance of the copyrights.
All materials received by the editorial board are subject to compulsory review. Reviewers are notified that the materials sent to them are the private property of the authors and contain information that is not subject to disclosure. Reviewing is confidential and anonymous. Violation of anonymity is possible only if the reviewer claims plagiarism or falsification of materials in the article. The authors are given the opportunity to read the text of the review.
If the review contains recommendations to correct and modify the article, the editorial board sends the author the text of the review with an offer to consider the recommendations in the preparation of a new version of the article or to reject them with arguments. The article revised by the author is sent for the review again. If the reviewer does not recommend the article for publication, the editorial board may send the article for revision taking the remarks, as well as send it to another reviewer. The text of the negative review is sent to the author. The final decision on the publication of the article is made by the editorial board.
Authors of accepted articles conclude a license agreement with the editorial board and sign an acceptance-transfer act.